Mid-Week Encouragement for March 6th, 2024
Some of you may remember that last November, I had to go to UofM and have my eye examined for a tear in my retina, which turned out to be an anomaly and nothing to worry about. Well, they concluded after multiple ultrasounds and an exam using metal "paddles" to stick behind my eye and move it around for examination.
Last Sunday, I was having an issue with my sight where things were extremely foggy, and I could not see properly out of my right eye. On Monday, it was worse, and yesterday, I went to the doctor for an exam. He is unsure what is going on, other than the pressure in my eye, which is so great it is causing issues with my sight.
I am reminded that the storms will come in our lives, and in this fallen world, there is sickness, disease, and ultimately death, but only for this flesh, which is yet unredeemed. One of the reasons we will receive a new body when we go to be with the Lord. But until then, we have a savior who cares and a name we can call on in our times of distress,
James 5:13-16
"Is anyone among you suffering? Then he must pray. Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praises. 14 Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer offered in faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him. 16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much."
Thank God for His love and healing.
Serving the Lord Part 6: Serving in our Home
Iosco Ministerial Association Community Event - GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE NOON on March 29th, at the Tawas Methodist Church in Tawas on M55. Join us for this community event!
House of Faith Church Good Friday Sunday Service 3/24
House of Faith Church Easter Sunday Service 3/31
With Hebrew Scholar Chad Bird from 1517, a nonprofit organization that exists to declare and defend the Good News that you are forgiven and free on account of Christ alone.
Pastor Bruce's latest book on faith, Drowning in Milk: A Guide to Spiritual Growth, is available at the church, along with his other books, Heaven & Hell and The Minister's Manual, on the vestibule table just outside the sanctuary. All of his books are also available on Amazon.
Our new online giving system makes supporting our church easy. The new system allows you to give a one-time, weekly, or monthly donation of any amount. See for yourself at https://www.ps127.org/tithes-offerings. Please support our ministry by giving.
Kari Sidel
Hunter and Daniel in the military
For Pastor's eye to heal
Marny Webber 3/1
Rebekah Shields 3/3
Kurt and Lori Ulman 3/5
If you need anything added, such as an announcement, birthday or anniversary, or prayer request, send it by email to Contact@PS127.org.